dinsdag 29 december 2009
maandag 28 december 2009
zaterdag 26 december 2009
maandag 21 december 2009
zondag 20 december 2009
vrijdag 18 december 2009
maandag 14 december 2009
door het raam
Through Nightmare
Never be disenchanted of
That place you sometimes dream yourself into,
Lying at large remove beyond all dream,
Or those you find there, though but seldom
In their company seated -
The untameable, the live, the gentle.
Have you not known them? Whom? They carry
Time looped so river-wise about their house
There's no way in by history's road
To name or number them.
In your sleepy eyes I read the journey
Of which disjointedly you tell; which stirs
My loving admiration, that you should travel
Through nightmare to a lost and moated land,
Who are timorous by nature.
Robert Graves
zondag 13 december 2009
woensdag 9 december 2009
the Goat and I
Robert William Service - The Goat And I
Each sunny day upon my way
A goat I pass;
He has a beard of silver grey,
A bell of brass.
And all the while I am in sight
He seems to muse,
And stares at me with all his might
And chews and chews.
Upon the hill so thymy sweet
With joy of Spring,
He hails me with a tiny bleat
Of welcoming.
Though half the globe is drenched with blood
And cities flare,
Contentedly he chews the cud
And does not care.
Oh gentle friend, I know not what
Your age may be,
But of my years I'd give the lot
Yet left to me,
To chew a thistle and not choke,
But bright of eye
Gaze at the old world-weary bloke
Who hobbles by.
Alas! though bards make verse sublime,
And lines to quote,
It takes a fool like me to rhyme
About a goat.
donderdag 3 december 2009
zondag 29 november 2009
woensdag 25 november 2009
woensdag middag college
zondag 22 november 2009
zaterdag 21 november 2009
shamanic vision
woensdag 18 november 2009
kind in de boom
Fall Song
Mary Oliver
Another year gone, leaving everywhere
its rich spiced residues: vines, leaves,
the uneaten fruits crumbling damply
in the shadows, unmattering back
from the particular island
of this summer, this NOW, that now is nowhere
except underfoot, moldering
in that black subterranean castle
of unobservable mysteries - roots and sealed seeds
and the wanderings of water. This
I try to remember when time's measure
painfully chafes, for instance when autumn
flares out at the last, boisterous and like us longing
to stay - how everything lives, shifting
from one bright vision to another, forever
in these momentary pastures.
dinsdag 10 november 2009
La muse malade
The Sick Muse
My poor Muse, alas! what ails you today?
Your hollow eyes are full of nocturnal visions;
I see in turn reflected on your face
Horror and madness, cold and taciturn.
Have the green succubus, the rosy elf,
Poured out for you love and fear from their urns?
Has the hand of Nightmare, cruel and despotic,
Plunged you to the bottom of some weird Minturnae?
I would that your bosom, fragrant with health,
Were constantly the dwelling place of noble thoughts,
And that your Christian blood would flow in rhythmic waves
Like the measured sounds of ancient verse,
Over which reign in turn the father of all songs,
Phoebus, and the great Pan, lord of harvest.
— William Aggeler, The Flowers of Evil (Fresno, CA: Academy Library Guild, 1954)
The Sick Muse
What's the matter with you today, Muse?
Are you going to tell me about last night's visions,
Heads on spikes, natives dancing a frenzied juba,
And all kinds of other stuff?
Oh you pink-lipped succubus!
You just don't want me to shoot into you.
You say you drowned, at Actium or Lepanto.
Again? What a nightmare.
I only want you to heave health
Be thinking of strongly urged Christian Things
And you tied to a bed
So, count it out and
Moan your dirge —
I'm climbing on.
— Will Schmitz
My poor Muse, alas! what ails you today?
Your hollow eyes are full of nocturnal visions;
I see in turn reflected on your face
Horror and madness, cold and taciturn.
Have the green succubus, the rosy elf,
Poured out for you love and fear from their urns?
Has the hand of Nightmare, cruel and despotic,
Plunged you to the bottom of some weird Minturnae?
I would that your bosom, fragrant with health,
Were constantly the dwelling place of noble thoughts,
And that your Christian blood would flow in rhythmic waves
Like the measured sounds of ancient verse,
Over which reign in turn the father of all songs,
Phoebus, and the great Pan, lord of harvest.
— William Aggeler, The Flowers of Evil (Fresno, CA: Academy Library Guild, 1954)
The Sick Muse
What's the matter with you today, Muse?
Are you going to tell me about last night's visions,
Heads on spikes, natives dancing a frenzied juba,
And all kinds of other stuff?
Oh you pink-lipped succubus!
You just don't want me to shoot into you.
You say you drowned, at Actium or Lepanto.
Again? What a nightmare.
I only want you to heave health
Be thinking of strongly urged Christian Things
And you tied to a bed
So, count it out and
Moan your dirge —
I'm climbing on.
— Will Schmitz
woensdag 4 november 2009
zondag 1 november 2009
zaterdag 31 oktober 2009
donderdag 29 oktober 2009
woensdag 28 oktober 2009
vrijdag 23 oktober 2009
donderdag 22 oktober 2009
donderdag 15 oktober 2009
soeterbeek programma @ RU
prachtige film " the fall" gezien tijdens een filmdebat met lezingen
'Kwaliteit van kunst. Hoge en lage cultuur in discussie'.
(Quentin Tarantino meets Dennis Potter... maar dan anders :-)
'Kwaliteit van kunst. Hoge en lage cultuur in discussie'.
(Quentin Tarantino meets Dennis Potter... maar dan anders :-)
zondag 11 oktober 2009
The road less traveled

Tijdens herfstwandeling door het gebied van de Maurik (landgoed Tongelaar)
oog in oog met deze trotse Hooglander
The Road Not Taken - by Robert Frost
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference"
zaterdag 10 oktober 2009
woensdag 7 oktober 2009
dinsdag 6 oktober 2009
zondag 27 september 2009
zaterdag 26 september 2009
donderdag 24 september 2009
zondag 20 september 2009
Het festival van SC heeft dan een ander onderkomen
maar mijn all time favorite pub keeps the dream alive :-)
zaterdag 19 september 2009
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